just give me all the good
stuff, please
Avocado Chocolate Brownies
Brownies !! The classic American dessert or snack that we all love. Many legends and stories exist about how brownies were created the first time. That shows how famous and loved is this cake.
Chocolate Date Drops
Did you ever find a way to twist a fruit’s taste and give it a special kick? We wanted to try that with dates and we ended with our chocolate date drops.
Peanut Butter Chocolate Cookies
In our world, Christmas rhymes with cookies !! And when you can not eat gluten, finding several amazing gluten-free cookies recipes can be hard. That is the reason with want to share with you one of our new favorite cookie recipes, made out of peanut butter and chocolate.
Gluten free Crêpes
C R Ê P E S !! If you are suffering from gluten free intolerance, crêpes are one of the things you start missing a lot. You will always struggle to find a good gluten free version that look and taste like the original crêpes recipe. Of course crêpes made out of sarrasin flour are good, but the taste is then different isn’t it ?
Vegan & Sugar free Bounty
To make your diet tastier, play we the flavors, and make your choice range bigger, improve in the snack bars game is important! That is what we are constantly trying to do. So here are our favorite bounty bars
Tahini Chocolate Nut Bars
Healthy snack bars have an important place in many people’s diets, as they are a great replacement for little cravings throughout the day. They can also replace a breakfast in case we are running late ;)
Vegan & Gluten-Free Tiramisu
T I R A M I S U !!! This universal dessert language! But for people with intolerances, it can be very difficult as it contains sugar, gluten, and dairy. And to do it at home without all those things is extra hard as it is
Rochers & Vegan Raffaellos
Sometimes, you just want to skip your diet for one moment, one dessert or one day, for a good chocolate dessert for example.
If you know the Rochers & Raffaellos chocolates from the famous brand Ferrero, you might also know that it’s complicated to find a version for people who are intolerant to gluten, lactose, or even nuts.
Vegan Carrot Cake
Easter is here! Let yourself get tempted by chocolate or carrot cake! This year we decided to be more on the carrot cake side. Indeed we love this cake. Did you know that the carrot cake started to be popular in the ’70s? crazy and it is still trendy and still loved by so many people. The carrot cake we want to show you today is vegan, nut-free, gluten-free, sugar-free, low in calories, and delicious of course!
Coconut balls
Good, delicious, healthy, guilt-free, light, beautiful and carriable ! That is always the perfect combination we are looking for when it is time to find the good snack which would help us to fight little cravings during the day. For sure that’s a struggle.
Vegan & Gluten-free Cheesecake
We love cake! It’s one of the best treats and snacks, no matter the time! And we love to create vegan, gluten-free, and sugar-free recipes. So this is one of our new favorite cheesecake recipes. It is so soft, creamy, sweet but not too heavy and perfect for a break during work or, if you are a wild one, as a breakfast.
1 Minute Mug cake
Sometimes I am sitting at home, relaxed on the couch and all I can think of is Chocolate. I need something sweet! Right now! And no, I do not want to go to the store and buy something. In those moments I often go into the kitchen and try new things. Like this vegan, chocolate, gluten-free, sugar-free 1 Minute Mug Cake.
Pumpkin Christmas Muffins
If you follow us now for a while you know, that we love healthy, sweet snacks. And if you check our dessert/snack area, you see that we recently postet our “Vegan, Gluten Free Chocolate Muffins”. We have to say: we love them! They are easy, fast, healthy and delicious. As it is Christmas time, we decided to take this recipe and adjust it, so that you can have delicious Pumpkin Christmas Muffins with raisins, nuts and chocolate.
Gluten Free Snack Bars
When it comes to diet, gym plans, or eating healthy, kick out our cravings with healthy snacks is one of the most difficult parts, isn’t it? So we decided to create our own recipe for gluten-free snack bars, to have a snack who fits best to our needs. Our snack bars are perfect as a desserts, as little snacks or even as fast breakfast.
Vegan Gluten Free Chocolate Muffins
“Muffins should always be eaten quite calmly, as it is the only way to eat them”. Who cannot relate to that quote from Oscar Wilde, uh ? I definitely can as i’ve always loved muffins and enjoy the tasting moment to the fullest ! That’s why we decided to share with you this delicious recipe : Vegan Gluten Free Chocolate Muffins.
Cassava chocolate Brownies
Hot brownies, fresh out of the oven, the inside is still soft and warm and the first bite taste like heaven. Oh, how I missed brownies since I went gluten free and sugar free. But here they are: the perfect, low carb, low calorie Brownies that you won’t regret.